Tuesday, July 7, 2020

3.1 Summary Writing

3.1 Summary Writing

Ice Breakers:

A) Guess the correct alternative for the following.

1) To summarize means ------------------------     
(a) Put information in chronological order
(b) To recapitulate the main points in selection
(c) To introduce new information
(d) To write one’s opinion about selection

b) To recapitulate the main points in selection 

2) The type of summary that consists of a paragraph to express the main idea is ----------------

(a) Outline (b) Report  (c) Synopsis (d) Written summary

(d) Written summary

Ways of writing and its description:
Ways of writing
It includes main ideas into one’s own words.
It must be identical to the original and match the document word by word.
Precis writing
It includes taking broader segment of the source and condensing it slightly.
It includes not just the main idea but every detail expressed clearly and to the point.
It includes selection of proper lines from the given text for correction, condensation and organization.
Gist writing
It includes the most essential part or the crux of the matter.

Points to be remember:

    1)    Read and re-read the passage.
    2)    Understand the content of the passage.
    3)    Read the instructions and hints.
    4)    Find exactly what you need to summarise.
    5)    Identify the main idea.
    6)    Form short sentences on your own.
    7)    Connect the sentences using linkers.
    8)    Keep only key ideas.
    9)    Omit details, examples and statistical information.
   10)  Avoid your own interpretation.

Steps for Summary Writing-

1: Read the article twice.

2: Ask questions about the purpose of writing.

3: Identify the main idea.

4: Write the first draft.

5: Revise your first draft and edit it.

6: Write the final draft.

How to learn Summary Writing:

        Summary writing is a writing skill. It needs practice. Take small passage initially. Read it carefully. Calculate the words. Try to reduce each sentence without losing its sense. Remove examples and illustrations if any. Avoid repeated and unnecessary information. Use simple sentences. Use one word for group of words where ever possible.
e.g. The person who leads India = India’s Captain
            Search the key words and join them with relevant words. Reduce the passage up to one third. 
            Give the title to the summary considering the central idea of the passage.


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