Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Hemlet information

Question and Answer
Q.In what country does Hamlet primarily take place?
Ans: Denmark
Q: Who do the guards first tell about the ghost that has appeared before them?
Ans: Horatio
. Q: Who is the Prince of Norway?
Ans: Fortinbras
. Q: Who is Hamlet in love with?
Ans: Ophelia
. Q: How is Claudius related to Hamlet?
Ans: uncle
Q: How did Claudius kill Hamlet's father, the king?
Ans: poured poison in his ear
. Q: Who returns as a ghost and tells Hamlet to kill Claudius?
Ans: Hamlet's Father
. Q: Who is Polonius?
Ans: The Lord Chamberlain
. Q: Who are the two clowns?
Ans: grave diggers
Q: What does Claudius ask Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to do?
Ans: Take Hamlet to England.
Q: What country does Fortinbras decide to invade instead of Denmark?
Ans: Poland
Q: What does Polonius initially think caused Hamlet's madness?
Ans: His love for Ophelia
. Q: Why does Hamlet decide to stage the murder of his father?
Ans: To see Claudius' reaction
. Q: Who listens behind a curtain to Hamlet and Ophelia's meeting?
Ans : the King and Polonius
. Q: "Who says ""To be or not to be..""?"
Ans: Hamlet.
Q: What does Claudius do when the actor pours the poison into the king's ear during the play?
Ans: He got up and left in anger
Q: Why does Hamlet not kill the king while the king is praying?
Ans: Because he fears the king would go to heaven
Q . Who overhears the meeting between Hamlet and Gertrude?
Ans: Polonius
Q: Who does Hamlet kill when he finds him spying?
Ans: Polonius
Q: Who vows to avenge Polonius' death?
Ans: Laertes
Q: How does Hamlet get rid of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern?
Ans: He has them executed in England
Q: Who suggests that Laertes provoke Hamlet into a duel?
Ans: Claudius
Q: How did Ophelia die?
Ans: Drowned
Q: Why was Hamlet saddened to find Yorick's skull when talking to the grave diggers?
Ans: Because Yorick was the fool who amused him as a child
Q: Why does Hamlet not make it to England?
Ans: He never left in the first place
Q: How do Laertes and Claudius plan to fix the duel between Claudius and Hamlet?
Ans: They will poison Hamlet's drink and Laertes' sword
Q: Who drinks from the poison goblet that Claudius gives to Hamlet?
Ans: Gertrude
Q: Who was Reynaldo?
Ans: A servant to Polonius
Q: Who does not die in the final scene?
Ans: Horatio
Q: Who ends up ruler of Denmark at the end of the play?
Ans : Fortinbra

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